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As of November 2004, over 40 Million hits have been served!
homepage.nu is not active anymore, we recommend the website builder n.nu instead.
Is your website address too long and
difficult to remember? Are you looking for a solution, but can't afford
your own domain? homepage.nu provides free URL redirection services
which allow you to redirect an easy-to-remember YOU.homepage.nu
address to your web site, no matter where it's hosted.
homepage.nu offers the following
features: |
No advertisements
Unlike most other redirection services which place an annoying
popup advertisement on your redirect or require a banner or button
on your site, homepage.nu has no popups and requires no
advertising on your site when you choose the 'Ad Free' option. |
Subdomain address
Some services offer redirection using a folder under their
domain, but with homepage.nu, you get your very own
username.homepage.nu subdomain address. |
URL cloaking
URL cloaking keeps your homepage.nu address in the address
bar of your browser when your web site is accessed through its
homepage.nu address. People bookmarking your site will bookmark
your homepage.nu address, and search engines will index your
site using your homepage.nu address. Keyword and description
meta tags can also be used with the URL cloaking option. |
Path Forwarding
All URIs (for example, http://www.YourISP.com/bob/ is the URL,
the URI is /bob/) can be forwarded, so if someone go to http://bob.homepage.nu/links.html
they would be forwarded to Bob's links.html page. |
Web mail
You can also apply a free corresponding web mail account that,
once activated, allows you to receive and respond to mail sent to
your homepage.nu subdomain using our
web based interface. |
Dynamic DNS
We now have a true dynamic DNS service available. This service
allows you to point the DNS for your homepage.nu subdomain directly to
your IP address, allowing you to have an easy to remember hostname
that doesn't change each time you connect to the Internet. |
Forward your own domains!
You have already bought your domain name? We also support full
domain redirection so that not only you got YourDomain.com being
forwarded, but also whatever.YourDomain.com subdomains! |
Registering your new homepage.nu address is fast, easy, and, best
of all, completely free. Your new homepage.nu address will be
activated immediately upon registration, and you can modify it instantly
at any time. Don't let someone else register the homepage.nu address
you want, sign up
Setting up a website can get really tedious, and you deserve a good break from time to time. Visit CasinoHawks.com to discover a variety of casino games you can play online! |